~ Welcome to Atisha Centre ~

Atisha Centre is a Tibetan Buddhist meditation centre, providing opportunities for study and practice of a spiritual path, where people can develop their natural wisdom and compassion.


Graphics: Snow lion

Updated Wednesday 24 July

◉ Sri Lankan Pilgrimage 
Venerable Lekdron is currently in the process of building a 5-storey Medicine Buddha statue to bring healing and hope to Sri Lanka. In 2021 Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche advised her to build this statue in Sri Lanka. This project is:

"The 5MB Project"

"As a Sri Lankan, I'm looking forward to sharing the beauty of my country by leading a 10 day pilgrimage to Sri Lanka's oldest Buddhist sites, from 12 to 21 September, this year.
◉ Atisha Centre Telephone Number 
Please note: Our contact telephone number has changed:
(+61) 0493 247 400

Rinpoche's Room at Kopan Monastery

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Keep up to date with Centre activities, all our programme events and news.

Teachings - Publications

All the teachings given at Atisha Centre are available as audios and in most cases, as videos

Follow all our teachings as audios and YouTube videos, with downloadable course materials. 
Graphics: Audio Visual
Lama's Dharma Shop internal

Lama's Dharma Shop

Visit our Courtyard shop for Dharma books, gifts, ritual items and interesting artefacts

Programme Events

Event: Wednesday Night Teachings
"Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Way of Life" by Shantideva ~ Weekly teachings from Venerable Geshe Rabten

Next session: 

Wednesday 24 July ~ 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Each Wednesday, Geshe Rabten delivers in-depth teachings on the Lam Rim - the Graduated Path to Enlightenment.
"Middle Lam Rim" by Lama Tsongkhapa ~ Fortnightly teachings from Venerable Geshe Rabten

Friday 26 July ~ 7:00pm to 8:30pm and Saturday 27 July ~ 9:00am to 4:00pm

Concise and complete stages on the path to enlightenment. Everyone welcome.
A monthly practice to recite specific prayers and mantra to help and guide those who have passed away.

Next session: 

Sunday 28 July ~ 9:00am to 9:40am

Guided meditation, perfect for beginners, including those with no experience with meditation whatsoever. An excellent opportunity just to sit with your mind in a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere.

Sunday Morning Meditation ~ Each Sunday morning

We would like to invite you to join us for cake and chai in the courtyard following Sunday meditation.

Next session: 

Sunday 28 July ~ 10:00am to 11:00am

Suitable for everyone!
Each Tuesday (not in school holidays) ~ behind St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral - Bendigo ~ Led by Venerable Damcho 

Next session: 

 Tuesday 30 July ~ 5:45pm to 6:45pm

A weekend retreat "The Power of Compassion"

13 to 15 September ~ Friday evening to Sunday afternoon


Pujas at Atisha Centre

Below are the next puja dates.
Please confirm that these pujas will take place at the Centre before attending! 

Guru Puja

Tuesday 30 July
@ 4:00pm

Tara Puja

Sunday 12 August
@ 4:00pm

Medicine Buddha Puja

Monday 19 August
@ 4:00pm
Atisha Centre is located on the traditional land of the Dja Dja Wurrung people
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