Atisha Centre Publications
~ Geshe Thubten Rabten

Welcome to the Publications Project

An initiative created by students wishing to publish the teachings given at Atisha Centre. This project started in 2016, with dedicated transcribers and editors. If you are interested in being involved in this project, please send the form at the bottom of this page.
Audio recordings of teachings are available for download and
videos of recent teachings are available on YouTube (See links below).
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Afternoons with Gen-la

~ 17 June 2017 to 8 April 2020 ~

~ A series of stand-alone, introductory teachings by Geshe Rabten, translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

"Altruism and the Six Perfections"

by His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama

~ 4 November 2022 to 3 December 2022 ~

~ A Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Lama Tsongkhapa and disciples

"A Busy Life of Meaning"

Composed by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 15 to 19 September 2022 ~

~ An End of Winter Retreat taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

"A Teaching on Gaining Experience"

Composed by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 28 March to 2 April 2024 ~

~ An Easter Retreat taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Chenrezig Retreat 2020

~ 28 December 2020 to 1 January 2021 ~

~ Annual 5-day retreat on the Buddha of Compassion with teachings by Geshe Rabten, translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
1000 Arm Chenrezig

Chenrezig Retreat 2021

~ 28 December 2021 to 1 January 2022 ~

~ Annual 5-day retreat on the Buddha of Compassion with teachings by Geshe Rabten, translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Clearing the Mind

A Short Retreat on Purification

~ 8 to 10 May 2020 ~

~ A 3-day, do-it-yourself retreat on purification with teachings by Geshe Rabten, translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
~ Includes meditations led by Venerable Tenzin Tsapel.

Community Days, One-off Events

~ Talks given by Geshe Rabten, translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Part of a once-a-month event for members and visitors.
Also includes talks Geshe-la gave to school groups, seniors groups and yoga groups.

"Concise Advice on How to Live a Meaningful Life"

Composed by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 6 to 10 June 2024 ~

~ A Winter Retreat taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Eight Verses of Mind Training ~ 2017

by  Geshe Langri Tangpa

~ 28 September to 3 October 2017 ~

~ A five-day course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Eight Verses of Mind Training ~ 2020

by  Geshe Langri Tangpa

~ 5 to 6 June 2020 ~

~ A two-day course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Way of Life

by Shantideva

~ 15 February 2023...(ongoing) ~

~ An ongoing, weekly series of teachings on the Bodhisattvacharyavatara, taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Essence of Refined Gold

by Sonam Gyatso, His Holiness 3rd Dalai Lama

~ 6 March 2019 to 15 September 2021 ~

~ An ongoing, weekly series of Lam Rim teachings on 3rd Dalai Lama’s famous text, taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Book available from Atisha Centre shop.

Foundation of All Good Qualities

by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 9 to 24 November 2018 ~

~ A Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Four Close Placements

by Gyälwa Chögyi Gyältsen

~ 3 October to 28 November 2020 ~

~ A course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje, during the Corona Virus lockdown.

Four Noble Truths

by the Buddha

~ 20 February 2021 ~

~ A stand-alone teaching given by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje, as a recording made specially for Sri Lankan students in Sri Lanka.
Vultures' Peak

Heart Sutra

by the Buddha

~ 4 March to 30 April 2016 ~

~ A course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Key to the Middle Way

by His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama

~ 26 February 2021 to 22 October 2022 ~

~ A Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Guru Tree

Lama Chöpa

composed by 1st Panchen Rinpoche,
Lobsang Chökyi Gyaltsen

~ 22 September 2021 to 7 December 2022 ~

~ An ongoing, weekly series of teachings on the Guru Puja practice, taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s Retreat 2018

teachings from Geshe Rabten

~ 30 April to 6 May 2018 ~

~ Lam Rim teachings from Genla during Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s retreat in the Great Stupa. Teachings translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Lamp for the Path

by Atisha

~ 14 to 23 April 2017 ~

~ An Easter course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Letter to a Friend

by Nagarjuna

~ 4 August to 27 October 2018 ~

~ A Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.


Awarenesses and Knowers

by Purbuchok Ngawang Jampa

~ 23 August 2019 to 30 January 2021 ~

~ A Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Lama Tsongkhapa and disciples

Middle Length Lamrim

by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 17 February 2023...(ongoing) ~

~ A Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Ornament of Dharma

composed by Gendün Gyatso, the 2nd Dalai Lama

~ 7 July 2022 to 11 July 2022 ~

~ A Winter retreat taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Parting from the Four Clingings

by Jetsün Drakpa Gyaltsen

~ 27 September 2019 to 23 November 2019 ~

~ A special Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Praise for Dependent Arising

by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 15 February 2019 to 10 August 2019 ~

~ A Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Praise for Dependent Arising

by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 13 to 17 September 2019 ~

~ A five-day Spring Retreat taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Prayer for Beginning, Middle and End of Practice

“The Splendour of an Autumn Moon”
by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 20 to 28 April 2019 ~

Easter Retreat 2019 – taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Shakyamuni Buddha


~ 25 February 2024 ~

~ A stand-alone teaching given by Geshe Rabten at a Refuge Ceremony, translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Seven Point Mind Transformation

by Geshe Chekawa

~ 1 to 5 October 2016 ~

A course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Song of Spiritual Experience

by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 8 to 19 August 2020 ~

A course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje, during the Corona Virus lockdown..

Spiritual Advice for a Heart-Disciple

composed by Gendün Gyatso, the 2nd Dalai Lama

~ 7 April 2023 to 11 April 2023 ~

~ An Easter Course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Spiritual Instructions to Practise in Order to Prepare for the Time of Death

composed by Gendün Gyatso, the 2nd Dalai Lama

~ 15 April 2022 to 19 April 2022 ~

~ An Easter Course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Lama Tsongkhapa

"Taking the Essence"

by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 20 to 24 July 2023 ~

~ A Winter Retreat taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.


by Jetsün Chökyi Gyaltsen

~ 13 May 2016 to 17 September 2016 ~

~ A complete Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje. This includes the course text and a slide presentation.

Thirty Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas

by Gyalse Thogme Zangpo

~ 21 October 2016 to 22nd July 2017 ~

~ A complete Study Group course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje ~ Plus meditations from Venerable Thubten Gyatso.

Thirty Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas

by Gyalse Thogme Zangpo

~ 9 to 17 April 2020 ~

~ An Easter Course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje ~ Plus meditations from Venerable Tenzin Tsapel.

The Three Principals

by Lama Tsongkhapa

~ 3 to 18 September 2018 ~

~ A five day course taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.

Words of My Perfect Teacher

by Patrul Rinpoche

24 February 2016 to 27 February 2019

~ A weekly series of Lam Rim teachings on Patrul Rinpoche’s famous text,
~ taught by Geshe Rabten and translated by Venerable Lobsang Dorje.
Book available from Atisha Centre shop.

If you would like to offer your assistance in this project, please send this form


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