Dharma Sponsorship Programme

This is an appeal for a specific fundraising project relating to our resident teacher ~ Geshe Rabten and his translator ~ Venerable Dorje.
Many of you have reached out to us and expressed how the teachings at Atisha Centre deeply affect your lives. The Centre is dependent on the generosity and goodwill of its community. In order to continue to offer these teachings, we would like to invite you to become a Dharma Teaching Sponsor.

Dharma Sponsorship Programme

We are requesting members of our community to become sponsors by committing to a regular monthly offering. The offerings from these sponsorships will directly fund the continuation of Gen-la’s teachings by financing the daily living support and administrative costs of teacher and translator. 

Please consider becoming a sponsor in order for Atisha Centre to continue to offer these teachings that benefit many sentient beings.
Thank you for your generosity!
You can set up a payment by direct deposit from your bank.
Account Name: Atisha Centre ~ Dharma Project A/c
BSB: 633000
Account: 129206090
Kindly use your surname and SPONSOR in the description.
Logo: FPMT